Shop Policies
UPDATES/CUSTOMS: We will try our best to update products on the first Sunday of every month, but with a full time schedule and a child, it may not always happen. The amount of product in each update will vary, along with the price, depending on the material used. Each item is a handmade and one of a kind product, made with lots of love, thought, and time. Our customs are open so if you have something in mind we would absolutely love to talk! You can reach out to us on our contact page, or one of our many social medias (twitter, instagram, or facebook). If you want something recreated, we can try to do so, but with each item being handmade there will be differences. Please also keep in mind customs are made to order so the processing time starts at 3 weeks but could be more depending on the piece/product.
RETURNS/SHIPPING INFORMATION: As of right now we will only be shipping products within the U.S. Unfortunately we will not be accepting returns but if there is a problem with a product you've ordered, we will try our best to resolve the issue. We are not responsible for a product once it is in the care of the postal service, though if a product gets lost due to the handling of USPS, we will try our best to work with you to get the item replaced. Please note all items may not arrive on time.
OUR PACKAGING: We have partnered with Ecoenclose to provide a mindful way to package items and shop online without leaving a significant carbon footprint. All shipping products, from boxes to labels, are made with material to support ongoing efforts of sustainability. Please reuse, repurpose, or recycle all packing that comes with an order.
RESIN ART: Resin art should never be heated up or placed in direct sunlight. Resin is made of toxic chemicals and can be harmful if inhaled. Please use caution with all resin products, but especially our rolling trays.
PENDANTS/WIRE WRAPPED JEWELRY: Please use caution and care when handling any wire wrapped jewelry. Cabochon pendants can fall out of wire with extensive force or wear. With that being said, try not to drop your pendant or wear pendant to sleep/in the shower. If your cabochon pops out, please message us and we can work something out with you!